Saturday, July 23, 2011

Getting Mobile

            Interesting Statistics about Mobile Social Media
“Social media is not a second website, it’s a community.” — Tristram Perry, U.S. State Department

    Mobile devices connect people to the digital world whenever and wherever.  Once people read the newspaper or a book on the train on their commute to work. Now their heads are down and their fingers whizz across touch screens as they play scrabble, search for information and communicate with friends via social media.

Mobile phones are rapidly becoming the main choice for people to access the internet with the most popular activities being to conduct online searches and chat on social networking sites. Australians most often access Facebook (98% of users), Twitter (20% of users), and MySpace (17% of users). Facebook statistics indicates there are more than 200 million active users currently accessing Facebook via their mobile.

     More than 70% of world's population has a mobile phone.
Almost half of Australians own a mobile phone with internet capability.
In 2012, smartphone sales are anticipated to overtake computers and in 2013, the mobile phone will become the most common Web access platform with a billion mobile Internet users.  The top 5 European countries (UK, Italy, France, Germany, Spain) will see a huge increase in mobile ad spending expected to reach the about $1 billion in 2014.
For these reasons, using these tools for online marketing should be further investigated.

If you thought the usage of Facebook had reached saturation and your business was just becoming one of the crowd - a survey of businesses by MYOB Business Monitor suggests only 18% of business owners used social media like Facebook, YouTube, MySpace or Twitter to promote their business.

Trends to consider
Location. Location-based marketing has seen a huge growth in 2011, especially sites such as Foursquare and Facebook Places and Deals. Using location-based marketing to reach potential customers based on your same geographic locations may result in an increase in online and foot traffic.

Apps. Apps can be a great way to improve customer service and attract new customers. Apps have been developed for Tourism Noosa. The Noosa iApp, is free to download through the website and gives users anywhere in the world up-to-the-minute information about the northern Sunshine Coast (Australia) region.

Tourism Australia also has an app. This app allows travellers to experience Australia through the eyes of true experts: the locals! To assist in travel planning or just to find out more about the land down under, the app features over 3,500 annotated photos created by Australians in every corner of the country.

However, not all apps are usable by all potential customers so ...

Mobile Websites. With so many potential customers using mobile phones, giving them access to your business website set-up mobile Internet use makes sense. Virtually all potential customers, regardless of the mobile device they are using, can find and visit your website. This optimises the mobile experience and increases your reach.
Source :

Accessing the Internet on mobile devices allows us to check and send emails, upload and stream videos, connect with friends and family on chat or through Facebook, Twitter, and countless other applications. Being able to tweet your latest news or connect with your Facebook fans at a moment’s notice is a vital part of social media for businesses in 2011 and beyond.
Compare this to the amount of people logging onto Facebook (700 million +) still indicates that businesses can benefit from promoting themselves using social media sites.

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